Eating Healthy on the Go

Happy Monday,
Over the past 9 yrs I have coached and trained countless clients ranging from common weight loss folks to special populations that have been diagnosed with one or more of the metabolic syndrome diseases.  March is National Nutrition Month and one of the common problematic areas with respective to nutrition is eating healthy “on the go”.   The stigma of healthy eating/cooking continues to be misguided since many feel in order to prepare healthy food one must have either a ridiculous amount of time or be a top executive chef to make nutrient dense food takes palatable.   That’s just plain wrong.   It’s time to re-think how you eat and prepare healthy food.

Click here for great “on the go” recipes that are both super nutritious and convenient for when time is tight. The recipes are courtesy  of Natalie Muth (RD for the American Council for Exercise).

Stay strong!


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